I. Beginning
II. Kingdom OF God
III. Beloved Community
But this might lead us to the question of what the reign of the Kingdom of God might look like. What should we as people of God do in this world to declare the reign of the Kingdom of God? If I were to define the reign of the Kingdom of God, I would lift up the concept of Beloved Community, which were explored by Martin Luther King and theologian Howard Thurman, who was a predecessor to the theological thought of King, a theologian who greatly influenced King’s work. In their quest for beloved community, they defined it as genuine community rooted in God’s love, agape, unconditional love, that transforms society to declare equality, love, peace, justice, and mercy. It is genuine community in which to love God and love your neighbor truly exists because true community is bound in love for one another. What does that mean for us as the people of God? It means that we live together in community working to stand for one another, to love one another, to affirm one another, because where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, Jesus is present. We work to usher in the presence of Jesus within the world, and that can exist when two or three are gathered together to function in community. So, for God’s reign to exist, to be present, we must come together as the body of Christ in unity under the proclamation of carrying out Jesus’s teachings.
IV. The Model
Jesus begins by saying if someone sins against you, go and point out their fault. This means that when we have a disagreement or clash with someone, we are supposed to go to them and work it out. Now that doesn’t mean go with violence or fists blazing or even trying to shame someone, it means come to them with a sincere heart to respond to the issue. We must also keep in mind that the scripture is not saying to chastise someone for their lifestyle or their being, to shame them for something that has nothing to do with us, but it calls us to come to them when they have sinned against us, when they harm us, when they devalue us, when they challenge our being and our very existence, when they degrade our human dignity – then we must come to them and try to work through the issue, that reconciliation may be found, and the fault will be realized, in order to restore genuine love between the two parties. This is not an opportunity to degrade people, but to uplift reconciliation and love that accentuates Beloved community. Quite often we have problems with someone and expect them to know what they did, and we treat them with malice and anger – but that is not what scripture teaches us. It tells us that we should come before that person and seek resolution. And yet we also have instances in which people are at odds with each other because of the polarity of political positions, but sometimes we have to realize that certain expressions are not political, but detrimental to the human spirit, some thoughts and perspectives cause legitimate harm to someone’s very being – we see this in all forms of oppression. But often when we bring real tangible faces of humanity to certain issues, sometimes we are better able to see concepts as they are, not specifically political but harmful to the human spirit. Again, in these instances we seek out legitimate reconciliation that says, I see you and you see me. We try and resolve the problem, person to person, that the Christ within me might appeal to the Christ within you – that we might build commonality and grow together as the people of God.
But if that does not work, Jesus says to bring two or three witnesses that they may take account of the situation. This is an ancient Biblical tradition in which witness are there to help reconcile. The spirit in this is that the community is designed to work together that they might bring unity. You do not bring people along that they might gossip or exacerbate the situation. You bring them along that they might bring about resolution. You want to bring people, who at their core are trying to bring about genuine peace and love to move toward Beloved Community. The goal of the community is to maintain and create God’s love, peace, and justice within the world and within the situation.
And if that doesn’t work, we are to bring this issue before the church. This means that the church holds a significant role in community relations. That it is the central place that can bring God’s love, peace, and justice into a situation because it should in fact reflect the teachings and actions of Jesus within the work that it does within the world. In connection with the Spirit, the church is the activity that personifies the life and teachings of Jesus in the world, or at least it should be, so that the world might be able to feel and experience the presence of God. So it would only be natural that we should turn to the church as an area of refuge to bring reconciliation in times of turmoil and conflict. Essentially the church should be able to respond to the issue with the heart of Christ.
V. Declare the Reign of the Kingdom of God
As we close today let us envision a transformed world, a world in which we declare and proclaim the reign of the Kingdom of God. Let us imagine a world where despite our differences in opinion we still love each other. Imagine a world where we are begin to see one another and see the things we do and say that are not just opinions but actually harm one another and we begin correct them. Imagine a world where oppression is met with God’s justice. Imagine a world where violence is put down and peace is the only thing that exists. Imagine a world where new life is ushered in by a savior who died and was resurrected that we might be connected to God. Let us imagine this world because this world begins to create Beloved Community and when two or three are gathered in unity, building the Kingdom of God, shaping Beloved Community, there Jesus will be in the midst and people will feel Christ’s presence and love and know the reign of the Kingdom of God.