Pastor Rachel B. Livingston
July 26, 2020

I. Beginning
Who can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ – maybe the hardship of the struggles that life brings us, the difficulty with finances, the unfavorable diagnosis from the doctor – or maybe the distress of life – of the heartache of losing a loved one, the poverty existent that brings us to the place where we don’t know how to pay one bill without sacrificing our money for another bill, the weight of the world closing in on us from anxiety or depression. Or maybe from the persecution of systems that seek to benefit off of our oppression through classism, sexism, or racism. Or maybe from famine that leaves not even crumbs on our dinner table or barely any pennies in our pockets. Can any of these separate us from the love of Christ? No – nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, nothing at all. How do we know? Scripture tells us so. We turn to the scripture that has been brought together through the Holy Spirit as the primary source that helps to reveal who we know God to be. But it cannot be denied, that sometimes as we live life, to hear that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ may feel like rhetoric rather than real life substance.