I. Beginnings
The book of 1 John, an epistle of sorts, a book that is believed to have the same author as the 4th gospel, John, was written to a divided community, a community that was torn and at odds with each other, a community who was distrustful of one another, a community that believed they had irreconcilable differences, a community that had split over fundamental belief systems. It is not completely clear what caused the division within the community, but what is clear is that there was a rift within the community and the writer of this letter was writing to bring encouragement to this community in the midst of storm, in the midst of pain, in the midst of chaos, and in the midst of catastrophic division.
II. What’s Going On In The Nation
III. We Must Love One Another
And in the midst of a chaotic mess, in the midst of a turmoil that seems to not be able to make any conscionable sense, our scripture gives the answer in the midst of all the mess. The scripture tells us to love one another because love is from God. But in the midst of a world that seems to be greatly affected by hate, what does love mean, what does it look like, what does it even feel like? The reality is that we must first and foremost love our neighbor – our neighbor being potentially anyone, any person that we come into contact with – the next door neighbor, the outcast, the prisoner, the democrat, the republican, the man, the woman, the Latino, the Black person, the White Person, the LGBTQ queer person, the child, any person could potentially be and essentially is our neighbor. We are called to love all people that we come into contact with, demonstratively and with earnestness in our hearts. This means that we must look at all people as human beings, with the image of God impressed upon them. This means that all people are worthy of respect and dignity. This means that our actions must reflect the love within our hearts that shows people the love of Jesus Christ, it means that they should feel the warmth and caring nature of the loving spirit of God. But it also means that in the absence of justice and the respect of human dignity, that we stand in a place that seeks to demand the honor and respect that is due any human being. And sometimes true love is messy, sometimes it requires us to lean into the truth that allows us to sit in-front of our enemy, not to allow any sense of abuse to continue, but to confront the reality that oppression is intolerable and must be torn down, that injustice must be rejected, that intolerance of any kind is not of God, that structures rooted in racism, sexism, and classism must be dismantled and replaced with structures that implement and construct God’s love, God’s peace, and God’s justice. It means that as we function in love, we seek to release those in oppression from the hatred that tears down their existence, but we also seek to provide the tough love that encourages the oppressor to put down their destructive ways and to take on the love, that in Christ, tears down oppressive structures. Love means standing in the gap and being a brother or sister to those that we don’t exactly know, but understanding that through Christ we are all children of God. Because we are created to be in relationship with one another – we need one another to survive.
IV. We Must Understand The Love of God
But to fully be this loving presence within the world, to be transformed by God’s love we must understand the love that is held within God, to understand just how much God loves us.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….a poem we have known more so to be romantic. Yet we must remember that within God is so much love that it shows us how to love in many ways. Any capacity of love that flows from us is first taught to us by God.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
How does God love us, we literally cannot count all the ways, but it is clear that anything we know of love is first shown to us by God. How do we know the love of friendship if we have not allowed Christ to be our confidant in our darkest moment? How do we know the love of a sibling if we have not allowed the brotherly love that God has shown us at work in the body of Christ as we seek to function together in love? How do we know the love of a parent if God had not adopted us and claimed us as God’s own? How do we know the love of a lover if we have not allowed God to intimately know our being in vulnerability? And how do we know the love of God if God had not sent his only son for our redemption?
V. Conclusion
Let us continuously find hope in the fact that God loves us and let us then be fully transformed by that love and be the presence of love in the world. Let us be the love that gives warmth to the forgotten, let us be the love that tears down the walls of oppression, let us be the love that brings light in darkness, let us be the love that wraps our loving arms around the lonely and abandoned, let us be the love that brings joy in sorrow. Let us function in the love that God calls us to, the love that lets the world know that God lives within us and doesn’t lead people to us, but to the God we serve.
How does God love us, let us count the ways…
And how do we love God? May we grow in faith that the ways become countless
And how do we love our neighbor? May we be so filled with God’s love that the ways are so innumerable that they reflect the love found in Christ
Let us love God freely, and love our neighbor freely.
Let us love God purely, and love our neighbor purely.
And let us love God and our neighbor that we put our passion to use – that after a week that has been wrought by chaos and division and left our country in a place of exhaustion – that the love of Jesus Christ would be present enough to transform the world we live in, transforming us and all those we come in contact with .
How do I love thee? Through the love within me, because I know and have been transformed by Jesus Christ. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
May God’s love always flow through us and may we be forever changed. Amen.