I. A Visit From Mary Magdalene
So, just to give a little info about myself, my name is Mary, and I come from the land of Magdalena, some people call me Mary Magdalene, to identify me from Mary from Bethany or the other Mary. But honestly, other than that, you don’t really need to know too much about me, my name may not even be of much substance here, because although I appear in this story, I am not the main character, all of the things that happened are true and shape our faith, whether I am there or not. And honestly all the things that happened to me, could happen to any one of you, so you can put yourself in my place in this story.
II. The Crucifixion
Jesus made such a change in my life, and you can only imagine how I felt when they had taken my Lord away, when they accused him of wrong-doing and sentenced him to death. I tried to creep to the side so that no one would notice my being or my interest, so that I can see what was happening, where they were taking him, and what the Empire was planning to do with him. I just had to see my Lord. But what I saw was horrific and scarring; his torture was put on display for all the world. A torture that wasn’t just for Jesus, but a psychological torture of all the people who watched, saying keep in line and don’t challenge the structure and the rules, otherwise this will be your fate. And oh, how his agony hurt, the blood that flowed from his body. What they had done to him, no one should endure. His wounds made it very difficult for anyone to recognize him. He who had known me so well, who had seen me, who had looked through my eyes and saw the very depths of my soul. And here I was, standing there afraid to make eye contact with him, nauseated by the gory mess they had made of him with his wounds and bruises, that I could not bear to look upon him. They whipped him harshly that his skin was hanging from his body as the whip tore into his skin over and over, the soldiers beat him until the muscles of his torso were purple, black, and blue from the bruises he endured, his body was hunched over from enduring such pain, and you can see in his eyes the weight of all that he was enduring. He was turned into a bloody mess, and at the sight of him my stomach turned, sorrow welled deep within my soul, and wanted to scream to let out all the emotions. But Somehow, I held it all in, but it tore me apart on the inside. I was angry, I was sad, I was afraid, I was torn apart, because the one who made me feel such love, the one who saw me was experiencing such agony.
And even though they had beaten him to a pulp, they had him march to the place called the Skull, carrying the tool of his execution on his back. But he could not carry it the whole way. A man from the crowd, a man who was a Cyrene named Simon, helped him carry it the rest of the way. And when they had reached the hill the soldiers nailed him to the cross, they hung him high and stretched him wide. I saw him struggle to breathe and the blood ran from his head as they pressed a crown of thorns on his head. It was just so agonizing to see him in all the pain he was in. I could not bear watching, but I also couldn’t bear to turn myself away. As onlookers watched, he said “Father forgive, them for they know not what they are doing,” he spoke to the criminal on the side of him and said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” He spoke to his mother and the beloved disciple and said, “Mother Behold thy son, son behold thy mother.” He cried out in agony as he yelled, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” And when his mouth got dry, he exclaimed, “I thirst.” His breathing got heavy, and with great strain he said, “It is finished.” And as his breath became shallow and barely present, he said, “Into thy hands, I commend my spirit,” and he breathed his last. The world must have known the great horror of what we endured because the sky went dark and the ground shook. Who knows, maybe I imagined it all because surely my life was gloomy and dark because of what happened, and my life was rocked at the core. And a void was left in my heart as the only one who saw me, the only one who valued my existence was gone.
III. He Met Me In The Garden
In that moment, I was left outside the tomb crying, my world was upside down, I couldn’t see straight, tears filled my eyes and I didn’t know up from down. And as the tears fell from my eyes two people sat before me, but there was something different about them, they had such beauty but there was something so glorious about them, the radiance from them was indescribable. They asked me why I was weeping. And I still could not focus on them, because I was still so overcome with sorrow. So, I said, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” I didn’t know what was going on and my world was flipped upside down. And then a man came up to me and asked me again why I was weeping. I couldn’t see him, for I only saw the sorrow that was in my eyes. My world had shattered, and I couldn’t see anything, only my pain and my sorrow. It’s funny, because as I was deep in my sorrow, I could not see this man. I had dismissed all parts of him. I assumed that he was the gardener. And stuck in my sorrow, I could not see him. But this was the man who loved me so, the man who saw me, the one who loved me, the one who saw to the very depths of my soul, the man who affirmed my existence. How could I ignore the man who loved me so. “Sir please tell me what you have done with my Lord.” My eyes were still hazy and filled with tears, and I was bent over with sorrow, kneeling on the ground. And that’s when I heard it, “Mary.” He called me and it was like the dark clouds began to roll away, such peace filled me. And that’s when I saw him. He knew me and he saw me. I saw him and I saw the love in his eyes and I knew. He was no longer dead. On that third day, he had risen from the dead. He had conquered death and brought us new life. He told us so many times and now it all made sense. He was once dead, but now, now he was alive proclaiming new life with all power in his hands. I was overjoyed and wanted to hug him, but could not because he had not yet ascended into heaven. He told me to spread the news, and I just had to tell everyone. I have seen the Lord and my life has been transformed. I have seen the Lord and things are different for the whole world. I have seen the Lord and the grave could not hold him. I have seen the Lord and death did not keep him down. Death oh death where is your sting. I have seen the Lord and he has torn down the power of death. I have seen the Lord and he has made all things new. I have seen the Lord and there is new life for the whole world.
One thing I have seen from Jesus is that he knows us by name, he knows us intimately and he loved us so much so that he offered himself up for our sins, he took on our iniquities, that we might be reconciled back to God and find new life. But what I also see is that in the midst of death, in the midst of turmoil, in the midst the dark cloud hanging over, in the midst of an empty stomach, in the midst of money coming up short, in the midst of your humanity being denied, in the midst of the world not making sense, in the midst of pain and heartache, in the midst of walking through the valley of the shadow of death, we are assured that through Christ there is life on the other side. Because Jesus has called us by name and stripped the control that death had upon us , it has released the shackles of death that have kept us bound. Because of Jesus, because of his death and resurrection we have relationship with God and we live in the promise of the newness of life. So, we know that new life is in us now, but even in the darkest hour of death, we know that there is hope in the newness of life on the other side. This means that God has granted us with new life through Jesus Christ and because of that we must offer our lives to Jesus Christ by making his ways our ways. We must love one another, serve one another, affirm one another, and see each other for who we are all children of God. We are to be concerned about the poor and give affirmation to those who have been rejected by society. In Christ there is a transformed life.
And I know it to be true. I have seen the Lord. And because I have seen it, I know that death is not the end of the story. I have seen the Lord and because I have seen him, I know that death could not hold my Savior. I have seen the Lord and because of that, I know that there is new life for both me and you. I have seen the Lord, and I know I have. And because of that we have the gift of new life on this blessed Resurrection Sunday. So let us share this gift of the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. Because He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed. Amen.