I. Jesus Spoke In Parables
II. The Parable We Know
Many have heard the parable of the Sower. Some of us have heard it from our times in Sunday School, others have heard the preacher reference it on a Sunday morning service, and some might be unfamiliar with the story. However, the parable of the sower is a familiar parable to some, a parable that Jesus told in the oral tradition, a story that related to an agricultural people who likely knew something about farming and the harvest of grains and fruits. The Parable of the sower discusses how the sower planted the seed upon the ground. After the seed it planted we are informed that all of the seed that is planted does not necessarily grow to bear fruit and be harvested. Some of the seed was eaten by birds, some fell on rocky soil, some was scorched, some fell amongst thorns, and some fell on good soil. This is the familiar parable of the Sower that we know. And for those of us that are familiar with that parable, we have learned that the seed was a metaphor for God’s word that is planted within the world, seed that is planted in the hearts of humanity. As the gospel is shared, in some places it is stifled, in some places it is ignored, in some places it is choked out, but in some places, in the right hearts, in the hearts that are willing to do something with it, in the hearts that are willing to hold on to God’s righteousness, in the hearts that are actually willing to be transformed in Christ. it flourishes. If this familiar parable has taught us anything, it is that when the Word of God falls on us, it has the ability to grow within us, but if we do not open up ourselves to the ways of God, the growth of the word of God can be stifled. This is the parable of the Sower that we are more familiar with, this is the parable that we are more used to.
This is the parable that we are familiar with that explains to us the Nature of the Kingdom of God. It shows us that when we turn to God, and the word of God rests in our hearts we can take on the ways of Christ that build up the Kingdom of God, that build up Beloved Community. Beloved Community being the space that where the ways of Jesus reign within the world. Beloved Community that exists where an integrated community with people of all races and creeds, from all walks of life to live together in harmony as sisters, brothers, and siblings in peace. Beloved Community where love exist throughout the world. Beloved Community in all forms of discrimination are torn down and peace permeates the earth. Beloved Community where poverty and hunger are responded to with care and love, where love and trust triumph over fear and hatred, where peace and justice prevail over war and conflict. Where God’s love and the ways of Christ can flourish within the world and claim a reign on our world.
III. The Unfamiliar Parable of the Sower
IV. Where Will We Stand?
But that leaves us with the question where do we want to be in the context of the story? Do we want to help contribute to the growth or do we want to be removed from it? Do we want to look back on the context of time and be seen as those who worked in connection to God, or those who remained idly by? God asks us to take part in the story, in that God does the work but we have the opportunity to sow the seed. We have the opportunity to internalize the teachings of Christ and share it with the world, to take a step that helps in the process that builds the Kingdom of God. We can internalize the teaching that love the outcast, feed the hungry, visit the prisoner, and love on one another. We internalize these things that make us like Christ and share it with the world. When we share it with the world this is us sowing the seed. And God takes the seed and does the work. But from this we learn that we must do what God has called us to and sow the seed and then lean on God to do the work, because God is powerful than we could ever imagine. But we also see that God is so powerful that the building of the Kingdom of God is inevitable, and we choose if we want to be part of that process or not. So where will we stand?
The second parable of our scripture this morning shows us how grand the Kingdom of God is. The mustard seed is the smallest seed, yet it produces a large bush that provides a comforting habitat for the birds. The small seed we sow that reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ that puts love in the hearts of those we meet, by sharing Christ’s love and seeing deep within the souls of those we encounter has the ability to grow and create the grandness of the Kingdom of God in the world that brings comfort and love to the world. Something so large that it has the ability to encompass the world and proclaim the reign of the Kingdom of God.
So as we listen to the parables of Jesus, the stories that teach us about our theology, we learn a couple of things. That God is working. God is moving and the power of the Holy Spirit is growing the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is mighty and proclaims the greatness of God. It brings about Beloved Community that establishes God’s love, peace, and justice in the world. And God is so powerful that the growth of the Kingdom of God is inevitable. But as we stand here today, God is asking, that even in the inevitability, where will we stand? Will we stand in the position that sows the seed of love, sow the seed of righteousness, sows the seed of peace, sows the seed of joy, sows the seed of liberation, sows the seed of compassion, sows a seed that shows the essence of Christ. Because when we do that we can take part in the inevitability of building the kingdom of God. But we just need to know that God can move with or without us. So let us stand now in the essence of God and sow the seed that God places before us as we share the gift of the good news of Jesus Christ with the world. Lord be with us now, and let us be faithful to partner with you. Amen.