I. Beginning
Over the past couple of weeks we have been exploring this 8th chapter of Romans. If we remember, Romans was written to an already established church of Rome. In this letter to the book of Romans we find our most detailed portrayal of the Christian doctrine – specifically written to this church in Rome because in writing this letter, Paul was seeking to establish Rome as the central point in his ministry, because if he established his ministry in Rome it had the ability to spread to the entire world. So in a sense, this letter is as much of a letter of encouragement and point of teaching for the church of Rome as it is an appeal to practice ministry. However, Paul never made it to the church of Rome, even though he was so hopeful to visit with them, not long after he wrote this letter he was arrested with a long process of trial before he was beheaded.
II. New Promise For Us
And the reality is that Paul is writing this letter to us too, and we could easily replace a letter to the Church of Rome, to a letter to the church in Cheltenham, MD. And we may not be the church of Rome, but we as Cheltenham United Methodist Church have the same promise and the same trajectory possibilities of the church of Rome. We have the ability to change the world around us with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to make effective change that allows the love of Christ to be felt and spread beyond the walls of our church structure. We have the promise of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ far beyond ourselves. And if we are honest, there are many things that make it tough to be a Christian in society. As Christians we are called to love and serve the rejected and ostracized, we are called to take care of the sick, we are called to clothe the naked, we are called to be agitated by injustice, we are called to show mercy to the imprisoned, and we are called to do work that spreads the love of Christ in the world. But it is no secret that these things are not the things that are always accepted within society, they are not things that will get us notoriety, and they may be things that get us ostracized. But they are our call as the church, more specifically Cheltenham United Methodist Church. And let’s remember that the presence of COVID has made all of this more difficult, COVID has put limitations on the way we show love to one another, so we are looking for new inventive ways to share the love of Christ, outside of the traditional. We too need a letter of encouragement, a letter that directs us how to spread the gospel to the world. So we look now to our scripture – this letter to the Romans to see what God is saying to us through the words of the apostle Paul.
III. We Are Heirs – Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love of Christ
And today we are affirmed in that because we are children of God, heirs, adopted by God and claimed as God’s own, who can separate us from the love of Christ, who can separate us from the love of Jesus? Who can separate us, we are intertwined and deeply linked, Christ has made us whole. Who can separate us from the love of God? Well the scripture tells us nothing – nothing can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus. But what does it mean when the world is caving in on us, when it feels like life is suffocating us, what does it mean when at every turn there is bad news, what does it mean when we feel so lonely, what does it mean when our heart is broken – what does it mean when it seems like all things, including God are far from us? How do we reconcile when our heart is broken and our soul is pouring out? It is one thing to say and read that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, but what does it mean when we are in the thick of things and deep down feel like the love of Christ may be miles away from us?
IV. God is With US
So while things may not always happen the way we want or expect, God is with us – God’s promise is that God is there and that God sees all and has a larger plan beyond our comprehension. When we fall short, God’s spirit intertwines with ours to make us whole – tending to our wounds, loving on our shortcomings, healing our pains, providing solace for our groans. For in God, we have been given all that we need, not necessarily what we want or desire, but what we need. When the world caves in around us. God is still there on the journey meeting our every need.
Our scripture this morning says that God has not withheld anything from us – why would that begin now? God loved us so much that God sent Jesus Christ, to teach us how to live, how to pray, and how to love one another, and how to center ourselves in the spirit. And when Christ had completed his ministry, he offered himself up as a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter, for our salvation and our redemption. Jesus suffered being accused of a crime he did not commit, he endured being spat on, he took on the welts and the bruises of a beating, he endured the lashes of the whip, he was stretched out and nailed to a cross gasping for air to fill his lungs, he cried out in agony from the pain he endured, and then he hung his head and died – but that was not the end of his story – he laid in the tomb for three days and on the third day, rose from the dead bringing new life and resurrection. Christ endured all this, carried the pain of all this, cried the guttural moan that bellowed from the pit of his stomach in the shaking of the soul all for the salvation, all for the redemption, all for our justification, all because he loved us, all so that we might be made whole. This was not just any ordinary love, but what the Greeks call agape love, this love that transcends all, this love that is unconditional, this love that is only found in God. This love was not given with hesitation and it surely was not given lightly. All because Christ loved us so much, you would think we did something to deserve it – it is a love that sacrifices so much, and is yet impenetrable by any force. If Christ can offer himself up in this drastic way what makes us think that can be taken away so easily. So as we the church who have been called to do the ministry of Christ within the world during this difficult time and these difficult circumstances – we are encouraged this morning because the love of Christ has anchored us in our relationship with God – we have been encouraged by Paul to continue the work of Christ, continue to push on the journey of life – because no matter what life brings us to thwart us, God’s love is right there and it will not fade or disappear, it will not falter or lessen.
In seeing all that Christ has done, do you think there is anything that Christ won’t do, do you think there is anything that will keep God’s love from being felt, do you think that there is anything that can cut off the love of God that flows to us? In the depths of the pain of life, in the denial of happiness, in the struggle of real life hitting us, Christ is right there loving on us. Christ feels our deepest pains, Christ brings a sense of peace and joy even in the midst of chaos, Christ becomes a shield to carry the burden of the struggle. In the midst of the pain, Christ’s love still endures, it still bears witness to us, it still gives us strength, it still works for our good – even if it is not our deepest desires. Through pain, tribulation, through oppressive rulers, through peril, through death, through life, through COVID, through personal struggle, through grief, through it all there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from God’s love. The world may try – but thank God the world fails in comparison to our God because in all, we can expect to find Christ’s love for us. Who can separate us from the love of Christ? No one – Absolutely Nothing and No one!